If you’re reading this blog, you probably noticed that DALLAS PRINTING has a new logo!  We’re in the process of implementing our new logo across our website, building signage, stationery, reorder labels, email signature block, and other locations.

We’ve been contemplating the possibility of a new logo for a while now, but really began the process in earnest earlier this year.  We started by determining the design criteria – including both technical specifications and creative guidance.  We then sponsored an online design contest with a significant cash prize in order to get as many ideas as possible for evaluation.  We received over 400 design entries!  We carefully appraised the entries and whittled them down to six finalists, who each received detailed feedback over several additional design iterations.  Once the winner was chosen, we used our significant in-house graphic design expertise to further adjust and refine the logo, with the following result:

The new Dallas Printing logo has a fresh, contemporary feel while also maintaining a timeless quality.  Although the new logo is completely different from our previous logo, it incorporated two major design elements from the old logo:  use of the full color spectrum and the same font for our company name – DALLAS PRINTING.  We believe that the new logo represents our company well.  Although our logo has been updated, our steadfast commitment to providing the best possible quality and service will never change.