Digital Output of Files

Digital matrix in the background with several colour coated file types floating in the front

Call DALLAS PRINTING when you need to output your computer files! We can output files from virtually all major software applications. A partial list of supported file types includes the following: .ai, .bmp, .cdr, .csv, .dat, .doc, .docx, .eps, .gif, .indd, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .pmd, .ppt, .psd, .pub, .qxd, .rtf, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .xls, and .zip! If you don’t see your file type listed, give us a call – we can almost certainly handle it.

DALLAS PRINTING has many options for digital file output — including a large selection of fonts, output services, printers, and full-service pre-flighting capabilities. Simply e-mail your files directly to us at, upload them to our website, or bring them in on a USB drive.

DALLAS PRINTING is your go-to source for highest quality digital output of files in Dallas TX with fast turnaround, excellent pricing, and friendly, expert service.  Contact us for a quote or to get started on your project!

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Ready to start a new project? Visit our Place An Order page.

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