Over 40,000,000 Americans change their addresses each year, which makes maintaining an accurate mailing list a challenge. The U.S. Postal Service’s National Change Of Address (NCOA) program helps ensure a high rate of mail deliverability to those who have moved. Address change information is obtained from the change of address forms that people fill out when they move. The U.S. Postal Service NCOA program enables address corrections to be identified and made before mailpiece addressing is even performed! DALLAS PRINTING performs NCOA processing in Dallas TX as part of our mailing services, both for customer mailings that we are performing as well as for customers who merely want to update their mailing lists. We can provide an NCOA report for your review and even update your mailing list.

DALLAS PRINTING performs NCOA processing utilizing specialized computer programs to match NCOA data with the names and addresses in your mailing list. The National Change of Address database contains approximately 160,000,000 records. When a match is found with a name and old address information in the NCOA database, the NCOA software provides the correct, current address information so that the direct mail address list can be updated and mail can be sent directly to the new, correct address without the additional expense of forwarding. NCOA reduces undeliverable mail by providing the most current address available and prevents re-mailings because the addresses are updated before mailing – saving you the cost of wasted postage and undeliverable custom printed mailpieces on your direct mail campaign.

DALLAS PRINTING is your go-to source for highest quality NCOA processing in Dallas TX with fast turnaround, excellent pricing, and friendly, expert service. Contact us for a quote or to get started on your project!

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