Padding and Pads

Note pads are the printed product that most people think of when they think of pads.  But DALLAS PRINTING can perform padding on almost any printed product:  estimate forms, invoices, flyers, prescriptions, and business forms are just a few examples of the products that can benefit from being padded.  Pads include a sturdy chipboard back (handy for writing!) and special padding glue that keeps all the sheets firmly adhered to the pad, yet easy to remove.  We can create pads of almost any number of sheets that you may want – 50 sheets is “typical”, but 10, 25, 40, 75, and 100 sheets are also frequently used. We can make your pads almost any size – quarter sheet (4.25″ x 5.5″), half sheet (8.5″ x 5.5″), full sheet (8.5″ x 11″), or anything smaller, or larger, or in-between.

Doctor filling out RX prescription on a prescription pad.

DALLAS PRINTING is the leading printing company for excellent quality padding and pads in Dallas TX with quick turnaround, outstanding pricing, and friendly, professional service. Contact us for a quote or to get started!

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Ready to start a new project? Visit our Place An Order page.